2019 FisherPoets Gathering
February 22-24
The tarps are on the 2019 FisherPoets Gathering. We'll see you again next season. February 28 - March 1 in 2020.
The Evening Reading Schedule begins downtown at 5 p.m. and continues until 10 p.m. at our seven fine venues: the Astoria Brewing Company, the Columbian Theater, Fort George Brewery, KALA, the Labor Temple Diner and Bar, the Liberty Theatre and the Voodoo Lounge. All sort of friendly revelry will follow at most: concerts, dances, singing circles, poetry slams and contests.
Imogen Gallery will feature watercolors by fisherpoet artist George Wilson, South Bay Seafood will show photos by Pat Dixon of the local legendary and doomed Astoria Marine Construction Co. shipyard. The Astoria Visual Arts Gallery will feature Gyotaku fish prints by Duncan Berry and his students.
The Special Events Schedule includes daytime workshops Friday and Saturday on knot tying, and line splicing, on Scottish fishing traditions, on writing creatively, on polishing performances, on creating gyotaku fish prints, on protecting southwest Alaska's watersheds from the proposed Pebble Mine and Earth's oceans from acidification.
FisherPoets Gatherers will also find singing circles and story circles, open-mics and open boats and can catch a video/photo presentation by former Bering Sea skipper Jack Molan.
Stay late and enjoy performances by Ray Troll and the Ratfish Wranglers, New England's Larry Kaplan, Astoria's own Beerman Creek and Brownsmead Flats. Have a go at a poetry contest, cut a rug at KALA or make your own music at the Singers' Circle.
Event buttons good for admission all weekend are $15, available at the door. Find them also at venues and businesses the week of the Gathering and at the FisherPoets Gathering Gearshack starting noon Friday. Fans 18 years and younger are admitted free.
If you can't make it, listen in on Coast Community Radio KMUN 91.5 or on-line at coastradio.org.
Meanwhile, here's list of a hundred fisherpoets who'll join this year from eight states and two provinces, two coasts and a dozen fisheries. Those new to the FisherPoets Gathering in green, of course.
Tele Aadsen, Bellingham WA
Michelle Abramson, Corbett OR
Harlan Bailey, Martinez CA
Rich Bard, Vashon WA
David Bean, Portland OR
Lou Beaudry, McCall ID
Duncan Berry, Otis OR
Joel Brady-Power, Bellingham WA
Jon Branshaw, Westport WA
Jon Broderick, Cannon Beach OR
Max Broderick, Cannon Beach OR
Julie Brown, Astoria OR
The Brownsmead Flats, Astoria OR
Moe Bowstern, Portland OR
Elma Burnham, Bellingham WA
Maggie Bursch, Bellingham WA
Abigail Calkin, Gustavus AK
Wayne Chimenti, Port Townsend WA
Erica Clark, Astoria OR
Nancy Cook, Astoria OR
John Copp, Portland OR
Doreen Dahl, Roseburg OR
Billie Delaney, Brownsmead OR
Dave Densmore, Astoria OR
Pat Dixon, Olympia WA
Maria Dosal, King Cove AK
Margaret Doyle, Orcas WA
Ed Edmo, Portland OR
George Esveldt, Port Townsend WA
Maria Finn, Sausalito CA
Pete Gannaway, Seaview WA
Mary Garvey, Seaview WA
Karen Gimbel, Calgary AB
Sierra Golden, Seattle WA
Conrad Gowell, Oregon City OR
Bob Gudmundson, Bellingham WA
Balika Haakanson, Seattle WA
Lorrie Haight, Long Beach WA
Laura Hartema, Seattle WA
Georgeanna Heaverley, Sterling AK
Meezie Hermansen, Kasilof AK
Tom Hilton, Astoria OR
Vicki Horton, Olympia WA
Will Hornyak, Portland OR
Annie Howell-Adams, Friday Harbor WA
Holly Hughes, Indianola WA
Mary Jacobs, Ophir OR
Bruce Jones, Astoria OR
Cary Jones, Eugene OR
Alana Kansaku-Sarmiento, Portland OR
Larry Kaplan, Essex CT
James Kasner, Blodgett OR
Gary Keister, Port Hadlock WA
Dan Keyser, Chinook WA
Hobe Kytr, Astoria OR
Phil Lansing, Boise ID
Jon Lee, Portland OR
Geno Leech, Chinook WA
Nancy Lord, Homer AK
Mark Alan Lovewell, Vineyard Haven MA
Ryan and Kyle Lutz, San Francisco CA
Scott McAllister, Juneau AK
Ron McDaniel, Sulphur Springs AR
Wally McDonald, Petersburg AK
Alec McMurren, Petersburg AK
John Mellor, San Francisco CA
Buck Meloy, Bellingham WA
Kim Menster, Cordova, AK
Lara Messersmith-Glavin, Portland OR
Jack Molan, Bend OR
Lloyd Montgomery, Cordova AK
Harry Moore, Palmer AK
Peter Munro, Kenmore WA
Greg Neitzel, Chinook WA
Erick Olsen Sr, Portland OR
Philip Randolph Patten, Seattle WA
Mike Phillips, Astoria OR
Don Pugh, Snohomish WA
Dano Quinn, Seattle WA
Carlos Reyes, Portland OR
RK and Cherry Rice, Ketchikan AK
Doug Rhodes, Craig AK
Ray Roberson, St. Maries ID
Marie Rose, Haines AK
Steve Schoonmaker, Kasilof AK
Mike Scott, Port Townsend WA
Rob Seitz, Astoria OR
Shanghaied on the Willamette, Portland OR
Peter "Spud" Siegel, Portland OR
Jay Speakman, Gearhart OR
Kathy Stack, Saltspring Island BC
Clem Starck, Dallas OR
Jeff Stonehill, Seattle WA
Sean Talbot, Portland OR
Heather Talbot, Portland OR
Brad Warren, Seattle WA
Ray Troll and the Ratfish Wranglers, Ketchikan AK
Alexander Waterfield, Netarts OR
Wilfred Wilson, Delta BC
Josh Wisniewski, Sitka AK
February 22-24
The tarps are on the 2019 FisherPoets Gathering. We'll see you again next season. February 28 - March 1 in 2020.
The Evening Reading Schedule begins downtown at 5 p.m. and continues until 10 p.m. at our seven fine venues: the Astoria Brewing Company, the Columbian Theater, Fort George Brewery, KALA, the Labor Temple Diner and Bar, the Liberty Theatre and the Voodoo Lounge. All sort of friendly revelry will follow at most: concerts, dances, singing circles, poetry slams and contests.
Imogen Gallery will feature watercolors by fisherpoet artist George Wilson, South Bay Seafood will show photos by Pat Dixon of the local legendary and doomed Astoria Marine Construction Co. shipyard. The Astoria Visual Arts Gallery will feature Gyotaku fish prints by Duncan Berry and his students.
The Special Events Schedule includes daytime workshops Friday and Saturday on knot tying, and line splicing, on Scottish fishing traditions, on writing creatively, on polishing performances, on creating gyotaku fish prints, on protecting southwest Alaska's watersheds from the proposed Pebble Mine and Earth's oceans from acidification.
FisherPoets Gatherers will also find singing circles and story circles, open-mics and open boats and can catch a video/photo presentation by former Bering Sea skipper Jack Molan.
Stay late and enjoy performances by Ray Troll and the Ratfish Wranglers, New England's Larry Kaplan, Astoria's own Beerman Creek and Brownsmead Flats. Have a go at a poetry contest, cut a rug at KALA or make your own music at the Singers' Circle.
Event buttons good for admission all weekend are $15, available at the door. Find them also at venues and businesses the week of the Gathering and at the FisherPoets Gathering Gearshack starting noon Friday. Fans 18 years and younger are admitted free.
If you can't make it, listen in on Coast Community Radio KMUN 91.5 or on-line at coastradio.org.
Meanwhile, here's list of a hundred fisherpoets who'll join this year from eight states and two provinces, two coasts and a dozen fisheries. Those new to the FisherPoets Gathering in green, of course.
Tele Aadsen, Bellingham WA
Michelle Abramson, Corbett OR
Harlan Bailey, Martinez CA
Rich Bard, Vashon WA
David Bean, Portland OR
Lou Beaudry, McCall ID
Duncan Berry, Otis OR
Joel Brady-Power, Bellingham WA
Jon Branshaw, Westport WA
Jon Broderick, Cannon Beach OR
Max Broderick, Cannon Beach OR
Julie Brown, Astoria OR
The Brownsmead Flats, Astoria OR
Moe Bowstern, Portland OR
Elma Burnham, Bellingham WA
Maggie Bursch, Bellingham WA
Abigail Calkin, Gustavus AK
Wayne Chimenti, Port Townsend WA
Erica Clark, Astoria OR
Nancy Cook, Astoria OR
John Copp, Portland OR
Doreen Dahl, Roseburg OR
Billie Delaney, Brownsmead OR
Dave Densmore, Astoria OR
Pat Dixon, Olympia WA
Maria Dosal, King Cove AK
Margaret Doyle, Orcas WA
Ed Edmo, Portland OR
George Esveldt, Port Townsend WA
Maria Finn, Sausalito CA
Pete Gannaway, Seaview WA
Mary Garvey, Seaview WA
Karen Gimbel, Calgary AB
Sierra Golden, Seattle WA
Conrad Gowell, Oregon City OR
Bob Gudmundson, Bellingham WA
Balika Haakanson, Seattle WA
Lorrie Haight, Long Beach WA
Laura Hartema, Seattle WA
Georgeanna Heaverley, Sterling AK
Meezie Hermansen, Kasilof AK
Tom Hilton, Astoria OR
Vicki Horton, Olympia WA
Will Hornyak, Portland OR
Annie Howell-Adams, Friday Harbor WA
Holly Hughes, Indianola WA
Mary Jacobs, Ophir OR
Bruce Jones, Astoria OR
Cary Jones, Eugene OR
Alana Kansaku-Sarmiento, Portland OR
Larry Kaplan, Essex CT
James Kasner, Blodgett OR
Gary Keister, Port Hadlock WA
Dan Keyser, Chinook WA
Hobe Kytr, Astoria OR
Phil Lansing, Boise ID
Jon Lee, Portland OR
Geno Leech, Chinook WA
Nancy Lord, Homer AK
Mark Alan Lovewell, Vineyard Haven MA
Ryan and Kyle Lutz, San Francisco CA
Scott McAllister, Juneau AK
Ron McDaniel, Sulphur Springs AR
Wally McDonald, Petersburg AK
Alec McMurren, Petersburg AK
John Mellor, San Francisco CA
Buck Meloy, Bellingham WA
Kim Menster, Cordova, AK
Lara Messersmith-Glavin, Portland OR
Jack Molan, Bend OR
Lloyd Montgomery, Cordova AK
Harry Moore, Palmer AK
Peter Munro, Kenmore WA
Greg Neitzel, Chinook WA
Erick Olsen Sr, Portland OR
Philip Randolph Patten, Seattle WA
Mike Phillips, Astoria OR
Don Pugh, Snohomish WA
Dano Quinn, Seattle WA
Carlos Reyes, Portland OR
RK and Cherry Rice, Ketchikan AK
Doug Rhodes, Craig AK
Ray Roberson, St. Maries ID
Marie Rose, Haines AK
Steve Schoonmaker, Kasilof AK
Mike Scott, Port Townsend WA
Rob Seitz, Astoria OR
Shanghaied on the Willamette, Portland OR
Peter "Spud" Siegel, Portland OR
Jay Speakman, Gearhart OR
Kathy Stack, Saltspring Island BC
Clem Starck, Dallas OR
Jeff Stonehill, Seattle WA
Sean Talbot, Portland OR
Heather Talbot, Portland OR
Brad Warren, Seattle WA
Ray Troll and the Ratfish Wranglers, Ketchikan AK
Alexander Waterfield, Netarts OR
Wilfred Wilson, Delta BC
Josh Wisniewski, Sitka AK