Thank you to these people and their businesses and organizations for their encouraging financial and material support of the FisherPoets Gathering:
The Alfred Landwehr family, since 2021, for generous financial support again this year.
Tom and Vickie Stringfield, generous supporters since 2022.
Judi and Milt Stewart, longtime supporters of the FisherPoets Gathering in honor of Judi’s brother Jack Connaway west coast fisherman and skipper of the Adios.
Michelle Abramson, fisherpoet and generous supporter, always in memory of Alan Abramson, 27 years a Kodiak crab and salmon fisherman.
The City of Astoria Arts and Cultural Fund for another generous grant toward paying production expenses. |
The Astorian for its long support of the FisherPoets Gathering, publishing our schedule in Coast Weekend and donating copies as programs. |
KMUN Coast Community Radio 91.9 FM for promotion and for broadcasting live Friday and Saturday nights' performances on the radio and on the web. |
Clatsop Community College for its abiding, visionary support and for equipment and frequent workshop venues.
The Oregon Community Foundation's Patricia Friedland Fund for supporting the FisherPoets Gathering for decades.
Englund Marine for another of its many readership grants to distant fisherpoets.
Salmon for All for another of its many readership grants to distant fisherpoets.
Fishhawk Fisheries for another of its many readership grants to distant fisherpoets.
Port Hopper for its generous readership grant this year to support visiting fisherpoets.
Freight Beer for its generous readership grant this year to support visiting fisherpoets. |
Astoria-Warrenton Chamber of Commerce for national and regional press releases. For information about lodging visit the chamber's website at |